Thursday, 21 April 2016

How To Accomplish Your Desires

Many a times, we dare to achieve a given thing which we desire so much. But sometime it seems we are not making any head way. So while some are puzzled, others confused on “how they could go about what they are desirous of?” We must understand our desire, utilize the tools at our disposal and convert your desire to value – monetary or material.

We’ll on Stay Inspired on DNWrites share on how one can go about accomplishing his desires.

Your desire is “what you want” and what you think when you achieve, you will value most. What you desire shapes your attitude and influences your thought depending on the way you look on it. It is that your desire that makes you to take a bold step to act or remain at a point. Some make a move while some sleep and imagine their desire come calling on them. Ones desire propel him to either act or remain at pace. Have you noticed that whenever you’re hungry the next thing is to look for the alternative solution and when you don’t see any food to solve the problem anger dives in to play with your minds?
We read in the scripture that the desire of the righteous shall be granted and that is to say God have a plan for us. But remember he that tilleth his soil shall be satisfied with bread (Prov. 12:11), I am saying that for God to perfect that, that concerns you must be diligent towards your desire. Let’s move to the next thing!

Like I mentioned earlier, you have to sow before you reap, you must have to work before you can be satisfied or accomplish that your desire that worries you. You’ve a duty to perform – you must first come to God in prays and table before him your plans and desire. And when you’ve done that you can swing into action by playing your part. Utilize the tools within your power to leverage your desire. Your word, thought and action can now be speaking for you. All you need to do is to play your skill card and watch out the outcome. When you put your best God will do the rest!
Yes! Most times, we get what we desire so late, though it tarried but we must learn to appreciate the outcome. It might have come so late but just know that there is a reason why it came that very time. Your ability to value your desire in its lateness will help you in making success your desire because it might yield you monetary or material value. Though it sounds distracting because what some of us want is not monetary or material value but JOY value. I’ll like to end here with a verse in the scripture which says that the, “desire accomplishment is sweet to the soul” (Prov. 13:19). Take your value serious like sweet candy! Lol...

We all have what our heart desire and long for and what our heart desire borders us. So recognize those things and tap yourself even as you value the outcome.

I still remain my humble self, Divine Nwoye. Thank you!

Editors Note: You can follow Stay Inspired where you get inspired, transformed and set to soar like the eagle.   

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