Friday, 29 April 2016

MUSING: Never Give Up!

I felt success is before me and I rejoiced earnestly waiting to receive the good news. Until I heard the side gig on radio - that assassin fired him down with arrow of hatred. They melted his heart with words striking like thunder and dumped him at the field of no-turning back.

Today on Musing, we’re going to be charging our self for the future.

I televised my success if he weren't have been assassinated and read the value I would have add to the society on newspaper. All in my mind! But reverse is the case.

Why? What have I done? This is the 17th time. Hmm... I am as good as nothing. I am FINISHED. I am GONE. Oh! Even my own – friends and relatives - has rejected me, to even pick my call is a problem. No friends. Yes foes. I am always a victim of near success syndrome. Not just this plan but other failed plans. I am doomed. Where is God?

I am not Job and can't suffer this affliction again. But what will I do? Yes... Suicide, I'll commit suicide because no one care about me. I am NOTHING but nothing.

Let me use this last penny in me to buy rope since I have no hope for living again. I'll get the  well-fashioned one to avoid mistake. Maybe near my transition (success) another failure will surge out!

I am determined to leave this sorrowful earth. Good bye friend and foes. See you on the other side.

Before I transit let me take a stroll down the street of Nsukka (Enugu, Nigeria) from there I’ll head to market to buy the rope - and as well see people and places for the last time.

As I walk pass a wall, I saw a banner and I drew close to read and it read thus, ‘Never Give Up Success Awaits You''. I laughed as I left the scene because I've heard that 10,000 times. But one thing that struck me was when I received a counsel from a man I haven’t met before.

He said, ‘I am not a prophet but I am a here to tell you to continue strong never mind your past. Always see what the future holds for you. Never Give Up''.

He left. Haba... Who told him about me? After awhile I turned back and continued strong until I got it without failure.

Never neglect good counsel.

I am Divine Nwoye.

Editors Note: We'll appreciate your comment, recommendation or any suggestion. Thanks. Keep a date with us.

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